Though the quarantine has prevented us from congregating together, it cannot stop Family & Friends from gathering virtually online! We’re definitely excited that during this Open House, we will be able to hear from friends far and near.
Our theme for this celebration is “Time to Level Up” and the theme scripture is Psalm 32:6-8. Are you ready for the #NextLevel? Are you ready to continue to #Soar? We are looking for God to help us to #LevelUp during this season so we can do greater works when we come out! We extend an invitation to all to join us virtually as we deepen our relationships with each other and the Dumfries community at large.
You DON’T want to miss this awesome time of worship, fun and fellowship as we celebrate what God has done for Praise Center Church over the past 5+ years of ministry. Prayerfully, we’ll see you ONLINE!
Sunday, June 7th | 5:00 PM
Supt. Tyrone Scafe and Temple of Praise Church Of God In Christ of Chesapeake, VA will be our special guests.
Sunday, June 14th | 5:00 PM
Admin Asst. Gary Watkins and Greater St. Luke Church Of God In Christ of San Diego, CA will be our special guests.
Sunday, June 28th | 5:00 PM
Pastor Kenneth Hackett and The Lion of Judah Church Of God In Christ of Manassas, VA will be our special guests.