Resume Writing Workshop
Join us on Saturday, April 9th at 10am to create an effective resume or improve the one you already have. Transform your resume into a powerful tool that will get…
DetailsJoin us on Saturday, April 9th at 10am to create an effective resume or improve the one you already have. Transform your resume into a powerful tool that will get…
Details“And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” – Acts 2:4 – In conjunction with the…
DetailsDumfries, VA — Please join Praise Center at 17932 Fraley Blvd, Dumfries, VA 22026, as we commemorate the "7 Lasts Words of Christ" with the following ministries: Grass Roots Christian…
DetailsFriday Night Service – 94th Annual Workers and Minister's Conference Historic First Jurisdiction of Virginia
DetailsSunday March 20th marks the beginning of what should be the most honored time on the Christian Calendar, Passion (or Holy) Week. Join Praise Center as we celebrate the final…
DetailsJoin us in Richmond, March 14-20, 2016, for the 94th Annual Worker's Conference with The Historic First Jurisdiction of Virginia. There will be NO LOCAL SERVICES.
Details1 Thessalonians 1:4-6