Coffee Break: Wake Up, Step Up, Pray Up Coffee BreakBy Praise Center AdminMarch 16, 2016Leave a comment1 Timothy 4:7-10
Coffee Break: What’s Your Shoe Size? Coffee BreakBy Praise Center AdminMarch 9, 2016Leave a commentPsalm 119:34-35
Coffee Break: Foot-notes – Seeking God Coffee BreakBy Praise Center AdminMarch 2, 2016Leave a comment1 Thessalonians 1:4-6
Coffee Break: It’s All About The Shoes Coffee BreakBy Praise Center AdminFebruary 24, 2016Leave a commentEphesians 6:15-20
Coffee Break: We Are Asking Coffee BreakBy Praise Center AdminFebruary 17, 2016Leave a commentColossians 1:9-12
Coffee Break: Prayers of Pursuit Coffee BreakBy Praise Center AdminFebruary 11, 2016Leave a commentActs 17:27-28a
Coffee Break: Prayers of Commitment Coffee BreakBy Praise Center AdminFebruary 3, 2016Leave a commentPsalm 31:5a
Coffee Break: Prayers of Emptying Coffee BreakBy Praise Center AdminJanuary 27, 2016Leave a commentGalatians 2:20a
Coffee Break: Prayers of Adoration Coffee BreakBy Praise Center AdminJanuary 23, 2016Leave a commentSong of Solomon 1:4
Coffee Break: Prayers of Struggle Coffee BreakBy Praise Center AdminJanuary 13, 2016Leave a commentMark 9:22-24