Bible Study Lesson – July 1, 2020 ~ 7:30 pm
Lesson 6: Loyalty (Malachi 2:10-12)
- A new problem is introduced in 2:10. What is this problem? How have God’s people been unfaithful (or disloyal)?
- In Malachi 2:11, God moves from addressing individuals to addressing everyone. What have God’s people done to the sanctuary, and how have they done it? What does God feel about His sanctuary?
Lesson 7: God Fires Complainers (Malachi 2:13-16)
- Why does God not want to hear the people’s weeping and crying (2:10-12)?
- How could we benefit from looking at the problems we cause before blaming others and God?
- What did God desire from His people according to 2:14? How does He defend His viewpoint (2:15)?
- What should we be doing proactively in our marriages?
Today we’ll start discussion on the third “argument” between God and His people. God is faithful and loyal, and expects us to be faithful and loyal in return. What areas are you disloyal to God? How can you change your ways? What can you do to follow Christ more closely?
July 8, 2020 – A Wearied God (Malachi 2:17)