Fight The Good Fight of Faith
Friday Night Service – 94th Annual Workers and Minister's Conference Historic First Jurisdiction of Virginia
General Church news from the Public Relations Staff of Praise Center Church Of God In Christ.
Friday Night Service – 94th Annual Workers and Minister's Conference Historic First Jurisdiction of Virginia
Sunday March 20th marks the beginning of what should be the most honored time on the Christian Calendar, Passion (or Holy) Week. Join Praise Center as we celebrate the final…
Join us in Richmond, March 14-20, 2016, for the 94th Annual Worker's Conference with The Historic First Jurisdiction of Virginia. There will be NO LOCAL SERVICES.
Alexandria, Virginia – During the first District Union of 2016, the Great Northern District (GND) Youth Department was finally able to celebrate the 2016 Youth of the Year Award nominees…
Join Praise Center as we #MoveForward and "Maximize Our Potential" with Bishop Ted Thomas and the Historic First Jurisdiction of Virgina
Join Lady Yolinda McCown for a time of fun and fellowship on January 16, 2016 for
December 26th Grant our pastor many days, bless Him, Lord, in many ways. May his work be ever fruitful, for which we, Lord, are most grateful. May our pastor be…
Jesus Is The Reason In Bethlehem, God gave to us, The source of Christmas joy; A star shown on a miracle: The virgin birth of a boy. He was born…
Join us as we celebrate the Youth and Young Adults in the Great Northern District for their accomplishments in 2015.