Dumfries, Virginia – After seven plus(7+) years of ministry, Praise Center is excited about “The Year of Due Season” and welcome you to join us as we celebrate the 2022 Family & Friends’ Open House on May 13th, May 15th, May 21st, and June 12th. As we celebrate expansion at 17948 Fraley Blvd, it’s a great time for Family and Friends to see what God has done for us. Our theme for this celebration is “Speak A Word: It’s My Due Season” and the theme scriptures are Proverbs 15:23 and Romans 4:16-22. We extend an invitation to all to join us as we celebrate God’s favor, deepen our relationships with each other, and expand our footprint in the Dumfries community at large.
You DON’t want to miss this awesome time of worship, fun and fellowship as we celebrate what God has done for Praise Center Church over the past 7+ years of ministry.
Friday, May 13th | 7:30 PM
Pastor Timothy Minggia and Divine Encounter Church Of God In Christ of Manassas, Virginia will be our special guests.
Sunday, May 15th | 4:00 PM
Pastor Frederick Edmonds and Bethlehem Church Of God In Christ of Chesapeake, Virginia will be our special guests.
Saturday, May 21st | 12:00 PM | Church Dedication
Bishop Marc A. Thomas, Sr., New Community Temple Church Of God In Christ, and the Historic First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Virginia will be our special guests during the Official Church Dedication Ceremony.
Sunday, June 12th | 5:00 PM | POSTPONED
Asst. Supt. Kenneth Hackett and The Lion of Judah Church Of God In Christ will be our special guests.